Saulės midus
In the beautiful suburb of Siauliai, Lithuania, on the way to the Hill of Crosses, not far from the bee farm, Saules midus is born. Saules midus invites you to taste an exclusive mead that has been perfected for almost 20 years. A wide range of mead is made from various flowers and berries that can be found in Lithuania.
The creator of Saules midus, Roma Maciene, has a long experience, more than 30 years, in beekeeping and various bee products such as: honey, pollen, bee bread, wax and candles. Later, after a trip to Germany, she came up with the idea of making her own homemade mead.
Many years ago, while traveling in Germany, I had the opportunity to visit a local beekeeper, who gave us a taste of his homemade mead, and the next morning he went to the street market to sell it. Upon his return, we asked for a demonstration of where the mead is made, but we were only able to see the fermentation room.
When I returned to Lithuania, I tried to prepare my own homemade mead. Fortunately, it turned out to be amber in color. After tasting it, my husband and neighbors praised the drink I made. After this experiment, we started preparing it for family events and gatherings.
The experiments continued. Already in 2002, we decided to name our tastiest mead with a poetic name - "Saules Midus", which is the equivalent of sun mead. We chose this name because we live near Siauliai, which is called the city of the sun. The city also got its name because of its location: the city is located near the famous place where the Saules musis (Battle of the Sun) took place and the Lithuanians won.
Our mead is naturally fermented and we create mead flavors with different types of berries and flowers. We currently produce nine different flavors such as: Classic Mead, Gooseberry Mead, Dandelion Flower Mead, Blackberry Mead, etc.

Sun mead is made from honey collected in our own apiary, dandelion flowers blooming in the flooded meadows near the apiary and juice from berries collected in the surrounding...
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