Blueberry bomb with white chocolate.
Lux in Tenebris is our blueberry mead with white chocolate. It’s part of the premium ‘Plus Ultra‘ product line. Lux in Tenebris was brewed in a 120 liter (32 gallon) batch to which we added 115 kg (254 lbs) of fruit and 60 kg (132 lbs) of honey. As always, this mead is available according to the ‘First Come, First Serve’ principe.
Mead is an alcoholic beverage fermented from honey and water, with possibility of addition of other ingredients such as spices or herbs or in combination with fruit juices.
Melomel is a fruit mead with is fermented from honey and fruit juices.
Type of honey
Blossom honey or nectar comes from the nectar of various flowers.
Mead made from honey and sunflower late broods.
Production process
This mead was made cold. This means that during its production, the honey was not heated above 40-45 °C, which is the normal temperature in nature to which honey is resistant. At higher temperatures, some precious components of honey can be damaged and degraded. Cold-made mead is the best choice.
Mead Madness Cup 2021 Bronze Medal
Producer The Blacksmith's Meadery
Artisanal Meadery