Limited edition
Met Drache - Lieblich (Traditional mead) - 0.5 l  13%, glass
Code: DE2501 | Brand: Met Drache

Met Drache - Lieblich (Traditional mead) - 0.5 l 13%, glass

€19.80 €16.36 excl. VAT
German traditional mead fermented from flower honeys of own bee farms, produced using the cold method. Softly sweetened with a pleasant honey tone in the finish.
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Category: Natural mead
Composition: water, honey
Alcohol: 13%
Honey source: nectar
Sweetness: semi-sweet
Production process: cold process
Volume: 0.5 l
Price/l: € 39.60
Weight: 1 kg
Original title: Lieblich
Producer: Christian Muller
Country of origin: Germany
News order: M0702

German traditional mead fermented from flower honeys of own bee farms, produced using the cold method. Softly sweetened with a pleasant honey tone in the finish.

Der Met Drache mead is cold brewed from the highest quality honey from our own beehives to ensure the highest quality and taste. The manufacturer deliberately avoids filtration in order to preserve the most intense taste. Sometimes therefore be slightly cloudy. The mead matured for several months.


Mead is an alcoholic beverage fermented from honey and water, with possibility of addition of other ingredients such as spices or herbs or in combination with fruit juices.

Classical mead

Classical mead is made by fermenting honey and water without any other ingrediences. It keeps its original honey flavour and taste.

Type of honey

Blossom honey or nectar comes from the nectar of various flowers.

Production process

This mead was made cold. This means that during its production, the honey was not heated above 40-45 °C, which is the normal temperature in nature to which honey is resistant. At higher temperatures, some precious components of honey can be damaged and degraded. Cold-made mead is the best choice.

Producer Met Drache

Meadery focused in traditional mead and experimental batches.

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Meadery focused in traditional mead and experimental batches.

We are a family apiary from the south of Bavaria. I trained as a beekeeper in Graz, Austria, where I obtained my journeyman's certificate. Our bees are located at various locations in mixed forests, flower meadows but also on the longest castle complex in the world in Burghausen. We keep the bees themselves as close to nature as possible and have the honeycombs expanded in natural construction. In this way, we obtain our special honey, which we then process into many different products. However, honey wine and honey liqueurs are for us the highest art of refining our honey. The fruits for our fruit varieties come almost exclusively from our own cultivation or from the flower meadows where our bees collect the nectar. "The Mead Dragon" (Der Met Drache) was born from our enthusiasm for craftsmanship and represents for us the combination of ancient tradition and mysticism which embodies this special drink for us. We offer our products at markets, medieval markets, various shops but also in our own beekeeping business. There we organize courses on beekeeping and mead production, because it is important to us to pass on this knowledge and the art of mead brewing to others in order to preserve these old traditions.

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