Sample volumes

Small packages
Small packages of popular meads, usually with a volume of 0.1l, 0.18l or 0.2l. Beautiful as a small gift, in gift packages or just in your pocket for travel. Also suitable as a gift when traveling abroad. You can also take meads up to 0.1l on board the plane.




22 items to display
6072 24111658127492 web
Vcelarstvi Slama - Mead from Vysocina - original - 0.1 l 13.5%, glass

Mildly bitter mead from Vysočina is an original family recipe, which, thanks to the composition of herbs, ensures good digestion and mental well-being.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2701D
LJM 4412o cr 23072027556703 web
Vcelarstvi Slama - Honey wine (Staročeská Medovina - Original) - 0.1 l 13%, glass

Mead made cold, without spices and herbs, matured in a stainless steel tank. It is filled into a bag in box. We sell this novelty exclusively in Medovinárna. Suitable for wine...

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2705D
LJM 1706 o cr 24120849359528 web
Vcelarstvi Slama - Mead from Vysocina - sour cherry - 0.1 l 13%, glass

Mead from the Highlands, with a mixture of 14 herbs and spices and hops flavored with cherry syrup. The distinct aromatic flavor of the sour cherry gives the mead an interesting...

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2702D
LJM 7921 o cr 24100819210525 web
Dr. Bojda - Black currant mead - 0.2 l 13.5%, glass

Light acidity reminiscent of grape wines together with the sharp taste of blackcurrants perfectly balance the honey drink.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2921C
LJM 7918 o cr 24100818190268 web
Dr. Bojda - Herbal mead - 0.2 l 13%, glass

The bitter-sweet taste of the original, herbal and cold-produced mead is exceptionally suitable for calming digestion as a digestif.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2911C
LJM 7922 o cr 24100819448893 web
Dr. Bojda - Mead Original - 0.2 l 13%, glass

The honey aroma and taste will captivate you with this original mead made cold from Beskydy mountains honeys.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2901C
LJM 7920 o cr 24100818535496 web
Dr. Bojda - Mead sour cherry - 0.2 l 13.5%

Passionate sour cherry melomela will revive your secret wishes and hidden dreams after a few sips.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2922C
LJM 7915 o cr 24100816097016 web
Awarded Limited edition
Dr. Bojda - Mead from forest honey - 0.2 l 13%, glass

One-of-a-kind mead Original Dr. Bojda

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2905C
LJM 7917 o cr 24100816342092 web
Dr. Bojda - Mead Celadenka (fruit-herbal) (sour cherries, blueberries) - 0.2 l 13%, glass

Unique mead made with only local ingredients from around the village of Čeladná. It is fermented from local flower honey, blueberry juice from local forests and juicy sour...

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2923C
01 Chilli scaled cr 24070947316306 web
Klát - Mead with chilli - 0.1 l 13.9%, glass

Honey wine with chili is produced cold and has a pleasant aroma of spices and a mild hot taste of chili.

Code: CZ9408D
LJM 7913 o cr 24100813422969 web
Limited edition
Klát - Raspberry mead - 0.1 l 12.6%, glass

We make herbal mead according to the traditional cold recipe from the honey of our bees. We do not cook honey. This mead was enriched with natural raspberry juice and then...

Code: CZ9421D
LJM 1707 o cr 24120845302524 web
Beekeeping Smolík - Original mead - 0.1 l 12%, glass

Very sweet honey mead produced by controlled cold fermentation, without heating. Unsulphured. This mead is fermented significantly less than other meads and is all the sweeter.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2401D
LJM 1708 o cr 24120844560571 web
Beekeeping Smolík - Sour cherry Mead - 0.1 l 16%, glass

Sweet sour cherry mead is made by controlled cold fermentation, without heating. Unsulphured. The aroma and taste of the cherry is amazing, the taste is slightly bitter to...

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2426D
6069 24111657597232 web
Vcelarstvi Slama - Mead from Vysocina - original - 0.2 l 13.5%, glass

Mildly bitter mead from Vysočina is an original family recipe, which, thanks to the composition of herbs, ensures good digestion and mental well-being.

Code: CZ2701C
LJM 6329 o cr 23121333439952 web
Hrebecska medovina - Hrebecska mead - bylinna horka (herbal bitter) - 0.1 l 12%

Unique strong herbal taste. Delicious sweet mead with very strong herbal taste - contains 21 types of herbs and spices, including sage-brush and gentian.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ6015D
LJM 6327 o cr 23121333239491 web
Hrebecska medovina - Hrebecska mead - klasterni (monastery) - 0.1 l 12%, glass

The original recipe of the monastery mead with 9 types of spices and herbs evokes a calm and spiritual atmosphere.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ6014D
LJM 6328 o cr 23121333163363 web
Hrebecska medovina - Hrebecska mead - Old Bohemian - 0.1 l 12%

Old Bohemian mead flavored with traditional spices and herbs will calm you in all respects and bring you to peace.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ6012D
TRADICNA 0185 22100611499275 web
Apimed - Traditional mead from flower honey - 0.18 l 13.5%, glass

Traditional mead is a perfect harmony of the taste and aroma. Flower honey from Slovak meadows gently tinged with fragrant herbs emphasizing its uniqueness and elegance.

Code: SK0307C
LJM 2400 o cr 24050513495175 web
Limited edition
Vcelarstvi Balastik - Honeywine (from flower honey) - 0.187 l 13.5%, glass

Light fresh honey wine with a touch of wine-growing Moravia from a beekeeper from Mutěnice. Made as a cold wine. A great gift that will smell the room before tasting thanks to...

Code: CZ6401C
Medarna Hradek - Geraldina (natural mead) - 0.2 l 13%, glass

Mead made in a cold way from spring flower honey with a beautiful golden color and a very delicate balanced taste.

Code: CZ7701C
LJM 1700 o cr 24120845129363 web
Beekeeping Smolík - Original mead - 0.2 l 12%, glass

Very sweet honey mead produced by controlled cold fermentation, without heating. Unsulphured. This mead is fermented significantly less than other meads and is all the sweeter.

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2401C
LJM 1702 o cr 24120842403213 web
Beekeeping Smolík - Sour cherry Mead - 0.2 l 16%, glass

Sweet sour cherry mead is made by controlled cold fermentation, without heating. Unsulphured. The aroma and taste of the cherry is amazing, the taste is slightly bitter to...

In stock  (>5 pcs)
Code: CZ2426C
22 items total