Gift mead, Page 2
Mead made by cold process from honey and black currant. Garnet red mead. The aroma is dominated by black currants and small berries.
Premium acacia mead - Best mead in the World 2015. Matured in barrique oak barrels
Premium fruit mead fermented from summer honey together with blueberry juice and with a touch of raspberries and currants. An excellent memory of a summer evening in the starlight.
The basis of traditional mead is our well-balanced valued honey. It is prepared using the cold method and matures in an acacia barrel. The woody undertone, which is typical for...
Special mead is made from a mixture of different types of honey and honeycombs containing pollen and propolis, aged in an oak barrel.
Made of dark nectarous honey with a strong taste and aroma, with the addition of herbs and spices. It has a subtle flavour mellowed by Alpine herbs.
Premium acacia mead - Best mead in the World 2015. Matured 6 months in barrique oak barrel.
Slovenian semi-sweet classical mead fermented from chestnut honey in cold way.
Sweet intense honey taste with delicate spicy undertones made with respect to bees.
This Vcelovina batch was matured in a barrique barrel of whiskey, acquires a distinctive and delicately whiskey character.
Its well-balanced taste and aroma is achieved with carefully selected spices. It is produced from mellow nectarous honey with the addition of blackcurrant juice.
Sluneční medovina se vyrábí z medu nasbíraného ve vlastním včelíně, květů pampelišek rozkvetlých na zatopených loukách u včelína a šťávy z bobulí sbírané v okolních vesnicích.
Sun mead is made from honey collected in the own apiary, dandelion flowers blooming in the flooded meadows near the apiary and juice from berries collected in the surrounding...
Very sweet Polish fruit mead "Svařená malina" with cardamom, for the production of which 50% honey was used. Mead with a raspberry flavor combining a honey note with aromatic...